Swt/Jface in Action: GUI Design with Eclipse 3.0 cover
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About this Book


This book is written with the intermediate to advanced Java programmer in mind. We assume that you’re familiar with the basics of Java syntax and comfortable considering design alternatives where there may not be a single choice that is superior in all situations.

Having some experience with developing graphical applications, whether in Java or any other language, will be helpful but isn’t necessary. We define all terms as they’re introduced and attempt to point out the purpose behind each widget as well as discuss the technical details of how to use it. However, this isn’t a book about user interface design, so we won’t attempt to cover the myriad details that go into assembling a compelling user experience out of the widgets we present.

We assume that most readers have some experience with Swing, but such experience isn’t necessary to fully enjoy this book. We attempt to draw comparisons to Swing where we feel that doing so imparts additional understanding for Swing veterans, but these comparisons are secondary to the main discussion of each topic. We have made sure you can understand every topic in this book without having programmed a single line of Swing code.



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