Linked Data: Structured data on the Web cover
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About this Book


Linked Data is a set of techniques to represent and connect structured data on the Web. This book shows you how to access, create, and use Linked Data. Linked Data has one amazing property: it can be easily combined with other Linked Data to form new knowledge.

Linked Data makes the World Wide Web into a global database that we call the Web of Data. Developers can query Linked Data using a query language called SPARQL from multiple sources at once and combine those results dynamically, something difficult or impossible to do with traditional data-management technologies. The examples in this book are intentionally drawn from public sources, but the techniques illustrated can just as easily be used with private data. You may be unfamiliar with some of the resources that we use, but they’re readily accessible on the Web, and we encourage you to check them out as you encounter them. We apologize in advance for any inconsistencies between the screen shots and URLs referenced in the text and the actual content when you visit those sites on the Web. The Web is a rapidly changing entity, and no printed matter can absolutely represent that. We do promise that all the screen shots and URLs were correct as we entered production.

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